Thursday, September 26, 2013

Seasonal Candy Holders

I got this idea from one of the people I used to nanny for,
I don't know if this is what they did or they bought it already made but I loved the cute candy jars so I was feeling in the mood to do something crafty so I went on Hobby Lobbys website to see what their weekly deals were and I was in luck!
Both the candle holders and Glass decor were on sale for 50% off!
So I headed down there and got the two candle holders and glass jars for $22 bucks.
(the candle holders were originally 20 bucks each CRAZY! and the jars were 2 bucks normally so not bad)
I used Tacky glue, already had it in my stash of glues

Then I put a ring of the glue on the top of the candle holder

And placed the jar on top.

I waited about 4-5 hours to let the glue dry.
(It wouldn't hurt to let it dry longer)

Then I put the candy of the season in.
Obviously Halloween candy!
I may add a ribbon later.

Tuesday, September 24, 2013

Necklace Organizer

So I have a ton of necklaces and no where to put them so I went to the handy dandy Hobby Lobby to see what they had.

I found a wood hanging thing on their wood isle
Some spray paint and I thought I'd try some crackle paint I took a couple tries to get it to work but I got there!!
I don't read rules very often so just an fyi you put a base coat on, for example, put satin spray paint on let it dry THEN put the crackle on top of it.. I did it the other way around but it was an easy fix,
 just put crackle on top of your main color.

I suggest painting on the grass that stain has been there for a year!!!

I measured to see where I should put my hanging strips
I did one in the center then realized I needed two so it wouldn't tilt with different sized necklaces.

And there's my fancy necklace organizer!

Stoganoff with hamburger

This is one of my favorite meals. I made this for my husbands birthday and I must say it was delicious! It is one of my mom's recipies. When I got married she gave me a huge 3 ring binder full of family recipies and things she's gathered and learned to make over the years. Luckily I have inherited my mothers love for cooking! Enjoy this meal! (warning this ruiend my husband for all other Hamburger Stroganoff)

4tbls butter
1/2 cup onion chopped
2lbs hamburger
2 cups sliced mushrooms
1/2 tsp paprika
6tbls lemon juice(fresh is the best)
2 can plus 6 tbls beef broth (or add 6tbls water)
2 tsp salt or to taste
10 oz pasta cooked (Bowtie, penne, or pasta of choice)
2 cups sour cream

In large fry pan melt butter then add onions, saute until tender.
Add beef cook until beef is browned.
 Add mushrooms, paprika lemon juice, broth and salt.
Stir and let mix simmer about 12 minutes.
Sitr in the pasta let simmer another 12 minutes. 
Stir in the sour cream. Heat but do not let boil.

And there is my mommas stoganoff! It is delicious!!
Enjoy =)

Friday, September 20, 2013

Chicken Enchiladas

So this meal is a request from my husband. I made it when we were first married and it took me a year to make it again and it was a success he loved it! In our recipie we didn't add olives, the hubs does not like them.I thought since I made it for him it's only fair I take them out.

Most of the meals I make should feed a family of 4. My husband and I end up with lots of leftovers for lunches.

4 chicken breasts, cooked and chopped into pieces
2 cans cream of chicken soup
1(4oz) can diced green chilies
1(3oz) can olives (sliced or chopped)
1 pt sour cream
2 cups shreddred monterey jack cheese 
2 cups shredded cheddar cheese
1 pkg flour tortillas

9X13 pan

Mix soup, chilies, olives, sour cream, and Monterey Jack cheese. Desperate four cups of mixture and mix with the chopped chicken. Fill the tortillas with chicken mixture. Pour remaining soup mixture on top ad top with grated cheddar cheese. Bake 350° for 40 minutes.

Note to self boil chicken instead..
I don't know if it was just because i'm pregnant that the smell of the chicken disgusted me and after that the chicken tasted awful to me.. I do not know!
My husband liked the enchiladas but i'd rather it have been boiled and shredded!